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As a professional survivalist with over 20 years of experience, I understand the importance of being prepared for any situation. One crucial aspect of preparedness is having a well-stocked bug-out bag. For those new to this a bug-out bag, also known as a 72-hour kit, go-bag, or GOOD (Get Out Of Dodge) bag, is a portable, carefully-prepared emergency kit that contains essential items and supplies needed to survive for at least 72 hours (3 days) during an emergency, disaster, or evacuation. The primary purpose of a bug-out bag is to provide you with necessary resources in case you need to leave your home or location quickly due to unforeseen circumstances.

In this blog post, I’ll share the top 10 essential items that every survivalist should include in their bug-out bag to ensure they are ready for any emergency.

Bug-Out Bag

1. Water and Hydration

Water is vital for survival, and you should always have a reliable means of obtaining and purifying it. Include a minimum of one-liter stainless steel water bottle, along with water purification tablets or a portable water filter. These items will help you stay hydrated and healthy during an emergency.

2. Food and Nutrition

Pack enough non-perishable, high-calorie food items to last at least 72 hours. Choose items like energy bars, MREs (Meals Ready-to-Eat), or freeze-dried meals that are lightweight and easy to prepare. Additionally, a compact camping stove or fuel tabs can provide a means to cook food and boil water if necessary.

3. Shelter and Warmth

Exposure to the elements can be life-threatening in a survival situation. Include a lightweight and durable emergency bivvy or sleeping bag, a waterproof tarp or poncho, and paracord to construct a makeshift shelter. These items will help protect you from harsh weather conditions and keep you warm.

4. Clothing and Footwear

Pack an extra set of clothes, including moisture-wicking base layers, a warm insulating layer, and a waterproof outer layer. Don’t forget a pair of durable, lightweight, and comfortable hiking boots or shoes. These items will help you stay warm, dry, and protected in any environment.

5. First Aid Kit

A well-stocked first aid kit is essential for addressing injuries and illnesses in a survival situation. Include items such as adhesive bandages, gauze, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, tweezers, a tourniquet, and a CPR face shield. It’s also a good idea to take a first aid course to learn how to properly use these items.

6. Fire Starters and Light Sources

The ability to start a fire is crucial for warmth, cooking, and signaling. Include multiple fire-starting methods such as a magnesium fire starter, waterproof matches, or a lighter. Also, pack a reliable flashlight or headlamp with extra batteries, and a small candle or glow stick for additional light sources.

7. Multi-Tool and Knife

A high-quality multi-tool and a sturdy fixed-blade knife are indispensable in a survival situation. These tools can be used for various tasks, such as food preparation, shelter building, and self-defense. Choose reliable and durable options that will withstand the rigors of survival.

8. Navigation and Signaling

Pack a compass, a map of your local area, and a GPS device (if possible) to help you navigate during an emergency. A whistle, a signal mirror, and a flare or smoke signal can also be included for signaling your location to rescuers or other survivors.

9. Communication Devices

A means of communication is crucial in a survival situation. A battery-operated or solar-powered AM/FM radio will help you stay informed about emergency broadcasts and weather updates. Additionally, consider including a portable ham radio or a satellite phone to communicate with the outside world if traditional communication networks are down.

10. Personal Documents and Cash

Finally, include copies of important personal documents such as identification, medical records, and insurance policies in a waterproof bag. Additionally, pack a small amount of cash in small denominations, as ATMs and credit card machines may be unavailable during a crisis.


A well-prepared bug-out bag can be the difference between life and death in an emergency situation. By including these top 10 essential items, you’ll be ready to face any crisis with confidence. Remember, preparedness is an ongoing process, and it’s important to review and update your bug-out bag regularly to ensure you have the most effective and reliable gear. Stay safe, stay prepared, and always be ready for the unexpected.